Twenty Stories

Twenty Stories

Each bottle of wine has a story to tell. This one has twenty.

THE CASE (pun intended)

If our life was a great story, then -most probably- every important chapter would have a bottle of wine being opened somewhere in it. Either to celebrate a major event, to seal a great agreement, to highlight a precious moment or just to take the edge off of something extremely intense.

This is why LIDL, the global discount supermarket chain, decided to commemorate its 20 years in Greece, by introducing a locally produced Syrah-Merlot premium wine in a rather affordable price, exclusively for the Greek wine lovers.

When Caparo Design Crew got the task to create the branding for this limited series, they got fascinated by this storytelling aspect of the wine.
They named it Είκοσι Ιστορίες [Twenty Stories] and created twenty unique labels. The illustrative intention was to balance casual, everyday moments with their symbolic significance to a person’s life.

"We were so inspired by the amount of creativity, the passion and the people. Perfect recipe for great stories!" Polyxeni Kasdovasili, Team Lead Branding & Packaging,LIDL

All they needed was an engaging story that would tie everything together, so they asked us to give them a hand.


Twenty Stories was a brand promise that seemed half fulfilled through the twenty unique illustrations.
So instead of creating a single story, we went at full-throttle and created twenty different ones.

Each story had a different writing style, to portray the variety of moments and moods that can be highlighted by a good wine, as well as the diverse memories and experiences that these 20 years mark for the company.

Each story was connected to the illustration on the front of the label.

Funny stories, touching stories, surreal stories, love stories, mythological stories, even… math stories!?! And of course, each and every one of them included a fair portion of wine!

Literally and metaphorically.

Twenty Stories got many domestic and international awards including a prestigious Silver Award @PENTAWARDS and the Wood Pencil @D&AD.

Next → How we redefined the meaning of an iconic fim festival.

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